Monday, May 9, 2016

Helpful Links


  1. Kahn Acedemy
  2. Gas Laws
  3. Kinetic Molecular Theory and Gas Law
  4. Gas Laws
  5. Ideal Gas
  6. The Ideal Gas Law: Crash Course Chemistry #12

Air Bag Lab

The air bag lab, don't even get me started. I had a 5 1/2 hour car drive so I had alot of time to figure out how to do the calculations and the procedure. The internet and the note sheets were a great resource, so I eventually did figure it out. I tested all of my calculations and they all looked really good.

Gas Laws Lesson

Pretty much all we learned was 2 equations: (P1V2)/(T2n)=(P2V2)/(T2n) and PV=nRT. The problems were more difficult than the first lesson, but I think it helps to list out the variables and decide what variables you need. Overall this lesson wasn't too terribly difficult and won't take that much studying to memorize.

Gas Laws lesson 1

Today we learned just one thing: (P/V)/T=(P/V)/T. We did several practice problems and I felt very confident that I knew what I was doing. It was all just plug and chug, so thought it was very easy.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Energy Unit Test

We all did good!
After taking the test I felt confident I did good. I think I only missed 1. There were like 2 or 3 tricky ones that seemed foreign to me, but I went to Mrs. Frank after the test and I got them right! I think pretty much all of her classes did good which is always good. Now we only have 1 more unit to tackle before the end of the year!
How I feel I did

Specific Heat of a Metal Lab

We did a lab to measure the specific heats of copper and lead by heating the metals in a hot water bath and figuring out the variables for MCAT. Overall Liesel and I were sastified because we yielded only a 4% error. Now for Dylan Kossl I can't say he yielded a good percent error *cough cough* like 120% error *cough*. Here is a video of our test tube making a popping sound. 
Here is some pictures of the copper in the test tube.
Side view

Top view

First Lecture On Energy

Energy equation
Today we learned about energy change in the form of heat- heat released as a result of a reaction, or heat released as a reaction proceeds. The energy actually comes from after the bonds are broken, when the bonds are reformed. Whenever energy leaves a system it is called exothermic and whenever energy enters the system it is called endothermic.                                                                
Endothermic Reaction
Exothermic Reaction

Mrs. Frank also specified that we can't just stick a thermometer into a system, so whenever we read the temperature we are reading the temperature just outside the system. She introduced to us the equation of Q = mcΔT which we then put into practical use and calculated energy resulting after bonds have reformed. Overall I thought it was very easy. I am going to practice a few problems tonight just to make sure I have it down.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Race Day!

Today we raced our boat. Last night I was in a rush and didn't have time to glue my first boat together. So this morning I grabbed the simplest and lightest boat I made. Shown below
didn't have time to finish gluing
I thought our boat was going to be the slowest and was relieved to find out that was not true. That would be Dylan Kossl's boat. Shown below
After my first attempt I realized that my belief was drastically inaccurate, our boat was the fastest. My first run timed in at 12.1 seconds. I went again and timed in at 10.39 seconds.
I thought I didn't set my motor up right so I re raced unofficially with a new method. Mrs. Frank timed it at 8.95 seconds! She told us that was the fastest all day! The video is below.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Building of the Biodiesel Putt Putt Boat

A design I am considering
The biodiesel boat has been changing constantly. I've gone from a regular old boat to a racing boat. I have scraped a few designs because of the lack of speed, but 2 of them were actually very fast. I really want and need the extra credit so I am trying really hard for the boat to be light, aerodynamic, and capture the heat inside the chamber for the putt putt motor to be more efficient. I have tested in the bathtub and got an idea of what I might go with. So far this has been the most fun I have had in chemistry.
Another design I considered

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Biodiesel Video

Biodiesel Bruh
We worked in the biodiesel project. I think I have a good thought out plan for our project. I thought we might start by bashing gasoline and making it seem like its critical we use biodiesel then we lead into the benefits of using it. Almost full proof, except that's all in theory. I think that we are going to run into some problems along the way. Anyway I think if Liesel and I make the video right then we will have a decent shot. The time given is a bit short though. I would have like to had at least 2 weeks to work on effects. Other than that I think its fun so far.
Green stuff going on

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Unit Test for Chemical Bonding

After hours of preparation I finished the test. I specify finish because I don't know if I did well. The test overall was a lengthy test and like frank said we didn't have time to have need share every problem. The test wasn't particularly hard, but since there were so many problems you really had to rush and have the problems down by muscle memory. There were a few tricky problem, but I figured them out. Other than that I thought I did decent.

6 Useful links


  1. Kent Chemistry
  2. Sparknotes
  3. Boundless
  4. Khan Academy
  5. Hyperphysics
  6. Lewis Theory of Bonding
Helpful Links

Lesson About Chemical Bonding

Lewis dot stuff
We learned about chemical bonding today. I was a little confused when it came to the lewis dot structure but all will come in due time. I know I am really gonna have to study hard to pull off a good grade on this. The have need share thing is a little confusing but I know I'll figure it out. The need part is what really confuses me though. Time will tell on whether I ever figure it out. I guess I will continue to study my butt off.
Bonding bruh

Monday, March 7, 2016

Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends Unit Test

I have yet to take the test, but from what I have heard it was pretty easy. Although I still think I am going to need to study a bunch considering how badly I did on the quiz. Will report once I have taken it.
Okay I'm back and I have taken it. It was harder than I thought, but it wasn't too terribly hard. I was able to finish in the time given which is always a plus. I ended up getting an 88% which I think isn't bad, but not satisfactory. I am happy about how I didn't fail though..... Onto the next test.

Periodic Trends Lesson

Periodic Trends
We learned about periodic trends, trends in ion size, trends in ionization energy, trends in electron affinity, and trends in electronegativity. The trends in atomic size is as you move down a group, the atoms tend to get larger. The trends in ionic size is that when an atom forms a cation, it will lose electrons. The trends in ionization energy is that the energy needed to remove an electron from a gaseous atom is known as the ionization energy. The trends in electron affinity is that noble gases have the lowest amount of energy to add an electron because you can't add an electron to something that already has all the valence shells filled, and that the trend goes up and to the right; it's different because on graphs the numbers are labeled as negative, but that's only because the the energy that has been given off. Finally the trends in electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to draw electrons toward itself when chemically combined with another element.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Weekly Quiz 1

: (
Hmmmmm where to start, I did bad. Probably because I was insanely busy the nights following up to the test. When I finally got my test back I looked at my answers and realized how stupid I must have been to put them. 95% of the ones I missed were because of misreading the question or rushing to an answer. If I had taken my time to read each question and answer them I would have gotten a 96%, but that's not what I got. I am going to have to study my a** off to pull off a great grade on the unit exam.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends Lab

I don't exactly see the point of the lab to be honest. I spent the entire hour adjusting a little knob that with the slightest twitch will jump up past what I need it at. Me and Matt shared our machine with another group and so I really should be trying to understand what the meaning behind the lab is, but I really don't feel like it. This entire paragraph is just afiller and Ihave no idea what to say about this lab except I should be trying to understand it. It was just testing different substances on how they respond to light. Anyway here is a picture:
Stuff is happening

First Lesson On Electronic Structure

Periodic Table
Overall I thought the lesson was fairly easy. Now I am not saying there wasn't some things I need clarification on- there is always those. Thankfully I don't believe there is much studying necessary to understand tomorrows lesson. We learned the basics about orbitals, sublevels, prnciple energy levels, etc. She gave us the school analogy to help clarify that. The other thing we learned is how to put an element into a specific way. For example Helium, He, is 1s^2; 1 being the principle energy level, s being the block that it's in, and ^2 being the electron count.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


I think the countless hours of practice problems and reviewing probably majorly helped. I only saw 1 new problem I didn't know how to do. That was the lake problem. I think I solved it, but I second guessed myself because I ended up with none of the above. We all know that the answer is typically never all of the above, but I still went with my gut. I later found out that none of the above was the correct answer, lucky. Other than that I can see how it is the lowest scoring test of the year had I not studied for it as much as I did. From what I can tell I am not the only one who put in the hours. Who knows I could have done all of the problems wrong, oh well. Nothing I can do, but wait for Dylan Kossl to finally take the test so we can see our grade.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Titration Lab 2

Unknown Acid done mixing
Unknown Acid Being Dissloved

This lab was basically the same thing of the last lab. The only thing we did different was use an unknown acid. We finished the lab with a very small percent error and ended up getting a 29.5 out of 30. We were lucky because we got the solution that allowed us to do minimal work. We cut our work in half and finished early and had time to work on our note card. We did struggle with the note card because I did have the best knowledge of what exactly we were doing, but we eventually figured it out. We started by writing out the chemical formula and balancing it. Then we plugged and chugged and ended up with the mols of HA and then divided it by the grams of the unknown substance.
Titrated KHP

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Several Links That Helped Me

6 Links:
  1. Chemtutor
  2. Crash Course
  3. Walkthrough
  4. Chem4Kids
  5. Practice Problem Runthrough
  6. Definitions Runthrough

Percent Acid in Vinegar Lab

The Lab was fun actually, but very tideous. The problem was that 1 drop difference, literally a 1 drop difference. If you add just one extra drop it will turn a bright pink. It was a great example of the equivalence point. The point where the solution goes from an acidic solution to a basic solution. We did have to make several runs at it though because of that 1 drop difference. If that doesn't tell you, we failed several times and made a very bright pink solution.
Our Setup

Finally got it

Friday, February 5, 2016

Lesson on Acid-Base

Conversion Chart
Today we learned about determining the pH of a solution or the pOH of a solution, and determining the [H+] concentration or the [OH-] concentration. The lesson was actually pretty easy despite this units reputation. I fully understood the lesson from start to finish, which is usually pretty odd considering I usually understand only parts of it. With a few practice problems I think this unit will blow by. I probably have spoken to soon considering this is only one of the first few problems. Oh well, I'm still gonna study alot.

Acid-Base Reactions Quiz

Thumbs up
Lets just say I studied ALOT. I studied all day Saturday and most  of the day Sunday. When the test rolled around I was not surprised at all. I studied enough to know how to do pretty much every thing on the test. There were a few I got stuck on and really had to think about but overall I thought I did really well. Mrs. Frank hasn't put the grades in yet, but I am eager to get it back because I think it will boost my grade in chemistry. I am still scared of this unit though, this is supposed to be the hardest unit of the year. I still have more studying to do in the future.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Useful Links


  4. Chemistry Review
  5. Quick Video Review
  6. Review Problems

Aqueous Solutions Unit Test

Took the unit test today. I think I did really good. I studied for a very long time and did as many practice problems as possible and I think it all paid off. I read other people's blogs and I don't know how I feel about the grade I achieved but I know I didn't fail so that's always good.
The test took all hour and each question was lengthy. It was a mix of stoichiometry, m1v1=m2v2 problems and a lot of morality problems.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

KMnO4 Lab

We did sooooo much the lab was so enjoyable. I found it to be very educational about our current unit. Although it did reveal my lack of knowledge on the subject. The data we "collected" led us through the process of using molarity in stoichiometry. The calculations were a bit confusing at first but with a little nudge in the right direction I figured things out. I do still have a lot of studying in my future to prepare for the unit test.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Lesson About Aqueous Solutions

Not Bad
The lesson today wasn't bad, I thought it was a little confusing, but I thought majority was pretty easy to understand. The only confusing part I found was the practice problems. I found that she went a little fast for me to track each part. I don't think it will take to much studying to comprehend this part. Although I already have 3 tests Monday and it might be a strenuous weekend. Bottom line the lesson wasn't bad, it will take a little bit of studying to get over things that confuse me, and I will also have to study the small key details such as the "fone call" thing.