Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Titration Lab 2

Unknown Acid done mixing
Unknown Acid Being Dissloved

This lab was basically the same thing of the last lab. The only thing we did different was use an unknown acid. We finished the lab with a very small percent error and ended up getting a 29.5 out of 30. We were lucky because we got the solution that allowed us to do minimal work. We cut our work in half and finished early and had time to work on our note card. We did struggle with the note card because I did have the best knowledge of what exactly we were doing, but we eventually figured it out. We started by writing out the chemical formula and balancing it. Then we plugged and chugged and ended up with the mols of HA and then divided it by the grams of the unknown substance.
Titrated KHP


  1. I enjoyed your description of the lab Ben. It was helpful for me to look at it again to remember it, and it helped me to study for the test.

  2. Quality action shots Ben! It was a pleasure doing the lab with you. It helped me understand a lot of the titration!

  3. Great pictures and explanation of the lab!!

  4. Excellent pictures. It appears that somehow you and Matt have managed without me ;). Great job!
