Monday, March 7, 2016

Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends Unit Test

I have yet to take the test, but from what I have heard it was pretty easy. Although I still think I am going to need to study a bunch considering how badly I did on the quiz. Will report once I have taken it.
Okay I'm back and I have taken it. It was harder than I thought, but it wasn't too terribly hard. I was able to finish in the time given which is always a plus. I ended up getting an 88% which I think isn't bad, but not satisfactory. I am happy about how I didn't fail though..... Onto the next test.


  1. I'm sure you'll do fine. If you understand the concepts of the chapter, then you will do well on this test. It was all fairly easy to understand.

  2. Do the online quizzes if they're still up. Those were extremely helpful to me. If they're not still up then I would suggest asking Frank if its possible to get a copy. Good luck!
