Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Building of the Biodiesel Putt Putt Boat

A design I am considering
The biodiesel boat has been changing constantly. I've gone from a regular old boat to a racing boat. I have scraped a few designs because of the lack of speed, but 2 of them were actually very fast. I really want and need the extra credit so I am trying really hard for the boat to be light, aerodynamic, and capture the heat inside the chamber for the putt putt motor to be more efficient. I have tested in the bathtub and got an idea of what I might go with. So far this has been the most fun I have had in chemistry.
Another design I considered


  1. You certainly seem to have put a lot of effort into this. It definitely payed off in the race too!

  2. I agree with the fact that this was the most fun I have had in chemistry all year long. I am also happy for the fact that you got the extra credit you needed. You sure deserved it because of all the effort you put into it.
