Friday, April 22, 2016

Race Day!

Today we raced our boat. Last night I was in a rush and didn't have time to glue my first boat together. So this morning I grabbed the simplest and lightest boat I made. Shown below
didn't have time to finish gluing
I thought our boat was going to be the slowest and was relieved to find out that was not true. That would be Dylan Kossl's boat. Shown below
After my first attempt I realized that my belief was drastically inaccurate, our boat was the fastest. My first run timed in at 12.1 seconds. I went again and timed in at 10.39 seconds.
I thought I didn't set my motor up right so I re raced unofficially with a new method. Mrs. Frank timed it at 8.95 seconds! She told us that was the fastest all day! The video is below.

1 comment:

  1. I don;t enjoy that I'm in the video of the slow boat, but congrats on winning the race.
