Monday, November 2, 2015

Thoughts About The Pre-test

Question Mark
I don't think I've ever had to take a test where I knew absolutely nothing. This was a first. I knew the unit mole and that's it, the rest was completely blank. I tried on the first 5-10 questions, but after that I knew there was no point, when I would try I could never get anything close to the options. I would always get calculations that were just way far off from the numbers. I saw everyone else finishing and so I thought I was getting caught behind so maybe I need to pick things up, but when I looked closer they were just filling in random bubbles because I can only assume they were in the same situation as me. I'm sure there were some people that were familiar with the content. I now know I have my fair share of studying to do this unit!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree! The pretest was essentially a warning to our eminent demise. Best of luck to all of us on this unit. The chemistry Gods will have to be with us.
