Sunday, April 24, 2016

Energy Unit Test

We all did good!
After taking the test I felt confident I did good. I think I only missed 1. There were like 2 or 3 tricky ones that seemed foreign to me, but I went to Mrs. Frank after the test and I got them right! I think pretty much all of her classes did good which is always good. Now we only have 1 more unit to tackle before the end of the year!
How I feel I did

Specific Heat of a Metal Lab

We did a lab to measure the specific heats of copper and lead by heating the metals in a hot water bath and figuring out the variables for MCAT. Overall Liesel and I were sastified because we yielded only a 4% error. Now for Dylan Kossl I can't say he yielded a good percent error *cough cough* like 120% error *cough*. Here is a video of our test tube making a popping sound. 
Here is some pictures of the copper in the test tube.
Side view

Top view

First Lecture On Energy

Energy equation
Today we learned about energy change in the form of heat- heat released as a result of a reaction, or heat released as a reaction proceeds. The energy actually comes from after the bonds are broken, when the bonds are reformed. Whenever energy leaves a system it is called exothermic and whenever energy enters the system it is called endothermic.                                                                
Endothermic Reaction
Exothermic Reaction

Mrs. Frank also specified that we can't just stick a thermometer into a system, so whenever we read the temperature we are reading the temperature just outside the system. She introduced to us the equation of Q = mcΔT which we then put into practical use and calculated energy resulting after bonds have reformed. Overall I thought it was very easy. I am going to practice a few problems tonight just to make sure I have it down.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Race Day!

Today we raced our boat. Last night I was in a rush and didn't have time to glue my first boat together. So this morning I grabbed the simplest and lightest boat I made. Shown below
didn't have time to finish gluing
I thought our boat was going to be the slowest and was relieved to find out that was not true. That would be Dylan Kossl's boat. Shown below
After my first attempt I realized that my belief was drastically inaccurate, our boat was the fastest. My first run timed in at 12.1 seconds. I went again and timed in at 10.39 seconds.
I thought I didn't set my motor up right so I re raced unofficially with a new method. Mrs. Frank timed it at 8.95 seconds! She told us that was the fastest all day! The video is below.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Building of the Biodiesel Putt Putt Boat

A design I am considering
The biodiesel boat has been changing constantly. I've gone from a regular old boat to a racing boat. I have scraped a few designs because of the lack of speed, but 2 of them were actually very fast. I really want and need the extra credit so I am trying really hard for the boat to be light, aerodynamic, and capture the heat inside the chamber for the putt putt motor to be more efficient. I have tested in the bathtub and got an idea of what I might go with. So far this has been the most fun I have had in chemistry.
Another design I considered

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Biodiesel Video

Biodiesel Bruh
We worked in the biodiesel project. I think I have a good thought out plan for our project. I thought we might start by bashing gasoline and making it seem like its critical we use biodiesel then we lead into the benefits of using it. Almost full proof, except that's all in theory. I think that we are going to run into some problems along the way. Anyway I think if Liesel and I make the video right then we will have a decent shot. The time given is a bit short though. I would have like to had at least 2 weeks to work on effects. Other than that I think its fun so far.
Green stuff going on

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Unit Test for Chemical Bonding

After hours of preparation I finished the test. I specify finish because I don't know if I did well. The test overall was a lengthy test and like frank said we didn't have time to have need share every problem. The test wasn't particularly hard, but since there were so many problems you really had to rush and have the problems down by muscle memory. There were a few tricky problem, but I figured them out. Other than that I thought I did decent.

6 Useful links


  1. Kent Chemistry
  2. Sparknotes
  3. Boundless
  4. Khan Academy
  5. Hyperphysics
  6. Lewis Theory of Bonding
Helpful Links

Lesson About Chemical Bonding

Lewis dot stuff
We learned about chemical bonding today. I was a little confused when it came to the lewis dot structure but all will come in due time. I know I am really gonna have to study hard to pull off a good grade on this. The have need share thing is a little confusing but I know I'll figure it out. The need part is what really confuses me though. Time will tell on whether I ever figure it out. I guess I will continue to study my butt off.
Bonding bruh