Thursday, February 18, 2016


I think the countless hours of practice problems and reviewing probably majorly helped. I only saw 1 new problem I didn't know how to do. That was the lake problem. I think I solved it, but I second guessed myself because I ended up with none of the above. We all know that the answer is typically never all of the above, but I still went with my gut. I later found out that none of the above was the correct answer, lucky. Other than that I can see how it is the lowest scoring test of the year had I not studied for it as much as I did. From what I can tell I am not the only one who put in the hours. Who knows I could have done all of the problems wrong, oh well. Nothing I can do, but wait for Dylan Kossl to finally take the test so we can see our grade.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Titration Lab 2

Unknown Acid done mixing
Unknown Acid Being Dissloved

This lab was basically the same thing of the last lab. The only thing we did different was use an unknown acid. We finished the lab with a very small percent error and ended up getting a 29.5 out of 30. We were lucky because we got the solution that allowed us to do minimal work. We cut our work in half and finished early and had time to work on our note card. We did struggle with the note card because I did have the best knowledge of what exactly we were doing, but we eventually figured it out. We started by writing out the chemical formula and balancing it. Then we plugged and chugged and ended up with the mols of HA and then divided it by the grams of the unknown substance.
Titrated KHP

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Several Links That Helped Me

6 Links:
  1. Chemtutor
  2. Crash Course
  3. Walkthrough
  4. Chem4Kids
  5. Practice Problem Runthrough
  6. Definitions Runthrough

Percent Acid in Vinegar Lab

The Lab was fun actually, but very tideous. The problem was that 1 drop difference, literally a 1 drop difference. If you add just one extra drop it will turn a bright pink. It was a great example of the equivalence point. The point where the solution goes from an acidic solution to a basic solution. We did have to make several runs at it though because of that 1 drop difference. If that doesn't tell you, we failed several times and made a very bright pink solution.
Our Setup

Finally got it

Friday, February 5, 2016

Lesson on Acid-Base

Conversion Chart
Today we learned about determining the pH of a solution or the pOH of a solution, and determining the [H+] concentration or the [OH-] concentration. The lesson was actually pretty easy despite this units reputation. I fully understood the lesson from start to finish, which is usually pretty odd considering I usually understand only parts of it. With a few practice problems I think this unit will blow by. I probably have spoken to soon considering this is only one of the first few problems. Oh well, I'm still gonna study alot.

Acid-Base Reactions Quiz

Thumbs up
Lets just say I studied ALOT. I studied all day Saturday and most  of the day Sunday. When the test rolled around I was not surprised at all. I studied enough to know how to do pretty much every thing on the test. There were a few I got stuck on and really had to think about but overall I thought I did really well. Mrs. Frank hasn't put the grades in yet, but I am eager to get it back because I think it will boost my grade in chemistry. I am still scared of this unit though, this is supposed to be the hardest unit of the year. I still have more studying to do in the future.