Sunday, December 13, 2015

Stoichoimetry Week 1 Quiz

: )
I took the quiz. I didn't expect to get the grade I did. I personally thought I bombed it. Quite the opposite actually, I got 100%. When I walked into the test I accepted failure, I thought I was just plugging in numbers and getting random answers. I guess I had the process down and I didn't even know it. I will still continue to study my hardest all the way up to the test, so I'm sure I know what I'm doing. Despite my god grade on the quiz I see alot of practice problems in my future.


  1. I wish we could all just randomly get 100% on every quiz...but goo job. Hopefully you completed a lot of practice problems before the quiz!

  2. Good job! It's always wise to continue practicing even if you get a good grade on the quiz because Frank usually throws a few curveballs in the test that you wouldn't get if you didn't practice.
