Sunday, December 13, 2015

Stoichoimetry Helpful Links


  1. ChemTeam- Breaks down what stoichoimetry is and gives practice problems with answers
  2. Khan Academy- As always, I have to include Khan Academy. They do agreat job of explaining things
  3. Chem4Kids- Explains stoichoimetry like you are a child
  4. UCDavis ChemWiki- Takes you step by step with a lengthy explanation on each step
  5. Learn Chemistry- Takes you all the way back to the basics of stoichoimetry to the harder aspects of stoichoimetry.
  6. Stoichoimetry- Another view on how to go through problems

Stoichoimetry Week 1 Quiz

: )
I took the quiz. I didn't expect to get the grade I did. I personally thought I bombed it. Quite the opposite actually, I got 100%. When I walked into the test I accepted failure, I thought I was just plugging in numbers and getting random answers. I guess I had the process down and I didn't even know it. I will still continue to study my hardest all the way up to the test, so I'm sure I know what I'm doing. Despite my god grade on the quiz I see alot of practice problems in my future.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Copper (II) Chloride and Iron Lab Day 2

Today we filtered out the fluid leftover. That left the copper. We then proceeded to mix in hydrogen chloride to help clean out the remaining copper. I was surprised to see how much copper was there after 24 hours. We left the copper out to dry until Tuesday when we will weigh the copper. We applied what we have learned all this time in the unit stoichiometry. We calculated the theoretical mass and on Tuesday we will divide the actual by the theoretical to get the percent yield.
Left over copper

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Copper(II) Chloride and Iron Lab Day 1

After placing nail in solution
This lab was a great lab to show chemical reactions and their precipitate. I was fascinated by how fast the copper clung to the nail. We left to wash our hands and came back and the nail was covered by a thick layer of copper. The objective of the lab was to determine the charge of iron. Whether it was Iron 2+ or Iron 3+. In a few days we will be able to determine this based on our percent yield calculations.

Another angle of initial placement

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Redox Lab

I found the lab to be a very fun lab and I learned alot. The practice was good preparation for the test. We got some strong reactions from calcium. Zinc, Lead, and copper didn't do much, but the still somewhat reacted. I will continue to study for the test coming up and I have high hopes for it!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Links That I Found Helpful


  1. Chemistry Tutor- Goes over basics
  2. Oxidation-Reduction Reaction- Defines everything
  3. Redox Reactions- organizes redox reactions
  4. Kahn Academy- Explains things really good
  5. different redox reactions
  6. Oxidizing and Reducing agents- Explains like I'm 2

Redox Reactions

Inline image 1
I found the redox reactions to be strangely easy. That never happens. That means that the test will probably be next to impossible. Reduction oxidation reactions happen at the same time. Metals tend to donate to non-metals. I will need to memorize the oxidation rules. The other part of this chapter was the acid-base reactions. Other than that there is not much else.