Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Thoughts on Aspirin Lab Day 2

My lab partner and I continued our lab today. We proceeded to take the contents of our mixture and clean out and filter away to get the crystals left behind otherwise known as aspirin. We weighed the mixture and left out to dry. The lab calmed down today and was more relaxed. I had a better idea of what we were doing and was more on it. We produced a pretty good amount of aspirin compared to the other groups, but there was one group with mounds of aspirin though. Overall we did pretty good in this lab.

Adding filter paper to Buchner funnel

Before adding the mixture to the filter

Final Product!


  1. I would totally agree with your comment that the second day was a lot calmer than the first. Preparing for the pre-test was a little stressful due to hearing from other classes that many people were failing. Plus we had a time limit to complete all of these major steps, therefore, we felt rushed as did not get to enjoy the experiment as much. One comment I would make for your post is to be sure you label your pictures so the viewer understands what is being done in them and why. Other than that good job!

  2. I wish I could have participated in the Aspirin Lab because it actually looked pretty cool. But anyways I did see that the second day for calmer and less stressful with all of those crazy chemicals. Your video is very cool and intriguing but I agree with Megan you should label the pictures so the readers can follow the lab as your explain it.

  3. Including that video was a great idea in my opinion. It could of showed our peers that weren't able to participate in the lab a little bit of the procedure being done. I like how you took pictures for the steps of the lab instead of just taking pictures of the equipment (so we could better understand the lab procedure). Great job on your finished product!

  4. It looks like you did a great job on the lab! My partner and I got a lot of aspirin too. I agree with Christian. The video is a really cool addition to the post. I wish I would've thought of that.
