Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Thoughts on Aspirin Lab Day 1

We took the pre-lab and I found it to be quite easy. My entire class that took the quiz on day 1 passed. My lab partner, Claire Frank, and I began our lab by collecting the ingredients and heating the necessary ingredients together and leaving it to sit for 24 hours. The lab was frantic and everyone was moving all different directions, so focusing was not too terribly difficult, but was still hard. We still managed to finish with a little time to spare. What I did find a little aggravating was how far off we were told to sway from the directions and there was some things that weren't in the lab directions.
Boiling the water

Heating the mixture using boiled water

Filter tracing

weight of filter cutout

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the pre-lab quiz being easy on day one, for everyone passed. Also, your description of the environment was spot on, and your numerous pictures really helped me to understand the lab a bit better.
