Monday, March 7, 2016

Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends Unit Test

I have yet to take the test, but from what I have heard it was pretty easy. Although I still think I am going to need to study a bunch considering how badly I did on the quiz. Will report once I have taken it.
Okay I'm back and I have taken it. It was harder than I thought, but it wasn't too terribly hard. I was able to finish in the time given which is always a plus. I ended up getting an 88% which I think isn't bad, but not satisfactory. I am happy about how I didn't fail though..... Onto the next test.

Periodic Trends Lesson

Periodic Trends
We learned about periodic trends, trends in ion size, trends in ionization energy, trends in electron affinity, and trends in electronegativity. The trends in atomic size is as you move down a group, the atoms tend to get larger. The trends in ionic size is that when an atom forms a cation, it will lose electrons. The trends in ionization energy is that the energy needed to remove an electron from a gaseous atom is known as the ionization energy. The trends in electron affinity is that noble gases have the lowest amount of energy to add an electron because you can't add an electron to something that already has all the valence shells filled, and that the trend goes up and to the right; it's different because on graphs the numbers are labeled as negative, but that's only because the the energy that has been given off. Finally the trends in electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to draw electrons toward itself when chemically combined with another element.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Weekly Quiz 1

: (
Hmmmmm where to start, I did bad. Probably because I was insanely busy the nights following up to the test. When I finally got my test back I looked at my answers and realized how stupid I must have been to put them. 95% of the ones I missed were because of misreading the question or rushing to an answer. If I had taken my time to read each question and answer them I would have gotten a 96%, but that's not what I got. I am going to have to study my a** off to pull off a great grade on the unit exam.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends Lab

I don't exactly see the point of the lab to be honest. I spent the entire hour adjusting a little knob that with the slightest twitch will jump up past what I need it at. Me and Matt shared our machine with another group and so I really should be trying to understand what the meaning behind the lab is, but I really don't feel like it. This entire paragraph is just afiller and Ihave no idea what to say about this lab except I should be trying to understand it. It was just testing different substances on how they respond to light. Anyway here is a picture:
Stuff is happening

First Lesson On Electronic Structure

Periodic Table
Overall I thought the lesson was fairly easy. Now I am not saying there wasn't some things I need clarification on- there is always those. Thankfully I don't believe there is much studying necessary to understand tomorrows lesson. We learned the basics about orbitals, sublevels, prnciple energy levels, etc. She gave us the school analogy to help clarify that. The other thing we learned is how to put an element into a specific way. For example Helium, He, is 1s^2; 1 being the principle energy level, s being the block that it's in, and ^2 being the electron count.