Monday, September 21, 2015

Thoughts about the Notes for 9/21/15 about Isotopes

Alpha Decay
Today was actually one of the first days I don't need to go home and study the subject we learned in class about. I fully understood the lesson about isotopes. Learning this actually tied up a lesson we learned about in the past about the different Carbons like Carbon-13. When asked questions about the notes I struggled for a moment, but then I looked back in my notes and found that wasn't as hard as I made it out to be. I still will study for a long time tonight and tomorrow night for the quiz. I will also have to look back on our Nomenclature unit and review it for a little because I was just made aware that our past lessons will be on the test. Today I understood everything for the most part, tied up a connection from the past, and was made aware of a section of the test.


  1. I totally agree with your point that it was one of the easier lessons that we learned. I think that as long as you can memorize the different parts of the formula (icluding what the atomic mass means and which number represents the proton count). Personally, I don't think that you had to study that much (if at all) for this test. I am sure you did great!

  2. I also agree with Ben, Megan! The lesson was easier, although it was sometimes hard to follow because the pace of the lesson was significantly faster than the past. I was able to comprehend anyway, the little activity after the lesson really helped solidify the lesson in my head!

  3. I completely agree with you on fully understanding the lesson. Everything just seemed to tie together and it made it a lot easier to retain the information during the lecture, so It didn't really seem necessarily to study too much. It was more of a math based lesson though because of the equations so I guess it was a bit different then most of the Nomenclature unit. So however you studied must be working because you got a A on that quiz.
