Trumpet Creeper

Trumpet Creeper

Common name: Trumpet Creeper

Genus and Species name: Campsis radicans

Active Chemical Ingredients: Alkaloid

Medicinal Uses: The dried plant makes an excellent douche to get rid of candida infections and also for haemophilus infections. Makes a very good anti-inflammatory.

Preparation: When collecting take the whole vine while it is in flower and dry it in a paper sack. Use a vinegar tincture at 1 part plant to 5 parts vinegar.  When used, use 4 tablespoons of the tincture  in a pint of warm water (isotonic) which has had a 1/2 teaspoon of salt dissolved in it.  Use the douche every other day for a week or two.

 Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants. (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from 

 Purine alkaloid degradation. (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from 

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