White Ash

                                                                               White Ash

Common Name: White Ash, American Ash

Genus and Species Name: Fraxinus americanaBetulin

Active Chemical Ingredients: Betulin, C30H50O2

Medicinal Uses: The bark is astringent, emmenagogue and a bitter tonic. An infusion is used to promote menstruation. It has also been used as a wash to treat skin sores, itches and vermin on the scalp. The inner bark is diaphoretic, diuretic, emetic and strongly laxative. It is used as a tea to remove bile from the intestines, as a tonic after childbirth and to relieve stomach cramps and fevers. It is chewed and applied as a poultice to sores. The leaves are used to soothe the itching caused by mosquito bites and bee stings. The seeds are thought to be aphrodisiac.

Preparation: Tea, Poultice, Tonic, Infusion

 Triterpenes. (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from http://www.betulinines.com/index.php?page=triterpeny 
Medicinal herbsWhite AshFraxinus americana. (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from http://www.naturalmedicinalherbs.net/herbs/f/fraxinus-americana=white-ash.php
 Fraxinus americana - Natural medicine facts. (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from http://www.naturalmedicinefacts.info/plant/fraxinus-americana.html 

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